Saturday, May 24, 2008

re: Neat!!

I think it's amazing how you can just take the headings of each article and not have to visit each site. The RSS feature is very compact.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Recently, I found out about a website called This site allows you to view your tv shows and movies for free!!!! It also has older tv shows and movies too. Another interesting website is This site allows you to use your cell phone to send emails for free. Let's say you had an idea or a message. You would call up the jott number and say who you want to send a message to via email.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

School Safety

I wish one of the presidential candidates would discuss how they would make schools safer in America. Since 1996, there have been at least one school shooting. It seems to me that guns are accessible to students. I am a student and I hate hearing about violence in schools. The link below will you show the following statistics about each school shooting.


Social Networking Privacy

For my first post, I would like to argue about why I think social networking groups: facebook and myspace are not keeping users safe. When you first sign up with either of these websites, your profile is consider public domain. I think all profile should be private regardless, and if the person given you permission then you may view their profile. Expressing yourself online is very dangerous. It could lead to bullying, lying, losing a job, and much much more.